Laborers' Local 1197
The Laborers’ International Union of North America is one of the most progressive and strongest unions in the country. Over 800,000 strong, LIUNA is the eighth largest labor organization in America, representing a skilled and diverse workforce. Laborers are construction workers, government workers, health care providers, industrial employees, service workers, and educators.
Local 1197 provides jobs for members across Southern and Central Illinois though out our 14 counties. The Local 1197 union hall is located in McLeansboro, IL.
Local 1197 staff assists our members with receiving information from a variety of programs provided to them.
Local 1197 is continually negotiating construction and non-construction contracts to provide the people and members in their area with a hope for the future.

1197 Leadership
Field Representative
Administrative Assistant
Business Manager/Secretary-Treasurer
Field Representative
Field Representative